When you look at the yearbooks in the library, you probably just look for your siblings and laugh at the jokes; but you may have wondered how exactly they are made. Well, here is an exclusive interview with this year’s yearbook manager- the one and only Mrs. Kerbel! 

Juliet: Do you think the meetings have been productive?

Mrs. Kerbel: Overall, yes. This particular group of yearbook editors is extremely creative and they definitely work hard to ensure that the yearbook is a great one!

J: How is the money being handled?

K: Money is handled through me – parents pay for ads, which in turn pay for the yearbook.

J: What is your favorite part of working on the yearbook?

K: I love being able to work closely with students on something other than ELA. I love seeing their creativity and thoughtfulness in play. It’s also another way for me to implement my love for reading and writing more creatively!

J: How much is done?

K: We’re about 1/4 of the way done! Thank G-d we’re making excellent progress and are exactly where we should be.

J: When do you hope to be done?

K: We’re hoping to be done the first week in May.

J: What is your favorite part of the yearbook?

K: The yearbook itself – I love ads. I love seeing the students’ encouraging messages from their parents and loved ones. Cute baby pictures definitely don’t hurt either!

J: Are you pleased with what you have currently?

K: Absolutely!!

J: Who is your favorite member of the editorial board? 

K: My favorite member of the editorial board is whoever is working the hardest at any given moment 🙂

Enjoy this small look into the makings of the yearbooks, and remember to appreciate the incredible editors!

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