A lot of people were excited last year to get the bunnies, so this article will provide information about the bunnies’ diet, behavior, preparations, et cetera.

The bunnies aren’t just in the school for show. You can play with them, pet them, feed them their hay, et cetera. You can also take one home for the weekend. But maybe you’re unsure of what to expect. It’s not easy to take care of a live animal, even for a few days, even if they are very fluffy. (Just ask the cat and dog owners out there. Don’t ask me, though. Fish aren’t very fluffy).
A lot of people don’t have bunnies, so how would you know how to take care of them? What should you expect? Is it complicated to take them home?

“They’re not particularly hard to take care of,” Mr. Allman says. “Really, you just have to make sure that their cage is kept in a good place, somewhere that won’t get too hot, won’t get too cold, not in direct sunlight from a window, someplace that your dog can’t get to it whenever it wants. After that, really, you just make sure that it has access to hay, water and every day some vegetables, and that’s all you really need to do. As long as you treat them gently, they’ll be really happy.”

Is it hard to get the bunnies’ food? Maybe they only like fancy vegetables. Lettuce deluxe? Those purple carrots that look like very long and skinny beets? Cucumbers cut in very precise circles?
”It’s pretty easy to get the food. Because we have so many bunnies, and because they eat a lot, we actually buy their food in bulk,” he explains. “Which means that instead of buying a small package in the store, we buy massive 25-50 pound boxes of their food.”

So, essentially, you’ll have a being in your house that actually likes vegetables for once. Should be fun.

What about something simple to prepare for the bunnies? Build them a palace, get a throne and a crown, and watch as the bunny jumps off of the throne to eat vegetables. Interesting creatures. Don’t really appreciate anything but food.
“A few things you can do to prepare are to make sure the area you’re keeping the bunny in is bunny-proof,” he replies. “Make sure that there’s nothing in the area that could hurt the bunny. For example, wires. If the bunny’s running around your house unsupervised, and it starts chewing on a wire, it could get very hurt or killed. People like to raise wires off the floor, or if there’s hidden wires around an area where the bunny might go, you might just remove them for the time being.”

That’s one thing that never made sense to me. What is appealing about a wire? It’s literally just a long, skinny, rope. How come they look at it and go, “I see a potential snack!”. It doesn’t look appetizing or even edible.

“Some people like to put up gates, if you already have them in the house,” he continues. “One popular thing that a lot of people like doing beforehand is saving fruit and vegetables scraps two or three days beforehand. The bunnies really like the bottoms of celery, or the leaves. Same thing with carrots.”

For those of you with other pets, how do you know that the bunnies won’t go all Kung-Fu bunny on your other pets? (Joke’s on you guys, it can’t get inside my fish tank).

“I would say they’re probably neutral with other animals,” he says. “I think if there was another animal that was very friendly, the bunnies wouldn’t hurt it, but if the bunnies felt threatened by another animal, they would definitely defend themselves.”

There you have it, folks! I hope this article was informative if you ever take home one of our fluffy, wire eating friends.

Written by Micki Lisker

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